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Low-Dose Chemotherapy (IPT)

The unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy can be avoided by using a low dose chemotherapy or natural chemotherapy.

A remarkably gentler variant of traditional chemotherapy without many negative side effects is IPT (Insulin Potentiated Chemotherapy).


Chemotherapeutical substances are combined with a blood sugar lowering hormone which has the advantage that only about a fifth (20%) of the normally used chemotherapeutical substances is applied. Because of this, the therapy is a form of low dose chemotherapy.

The method was developed by the Mexican military surgeon "Dr Donato Perez Garcia" who succeeded in treating various illnesses, and from 1932 also cancer, by the administration of the blood sugar lowering hormone.

The problem with traditional chemotherapy

In orthodox medicine, chemotherapy is the routine therapy used against cancer, but it has three fundamental disadvantages:


  • Chemotherapeutics cannot differentiate between malignant and non-malignant cells which means, that non-malignant cells are predominantly damaged, as they divide frequently, just as cancer cells do. Also effected are mucosa, hair roots and especially bone marrow in which blood and defence cells are produced.

  • There is no reliable method to determine before treatment begins whether the cancer cells will react to the chemotherapy treatment. It is therefore unavoidable that many patients are treated without any result.

  • Chemotherapy damages only those cancer cells which are in the process of dividing. Inactive cells are not affected. These gradually develop immunity against the cytotoxin and often show increased proliferation. As these cells get used to the cytotoxin, it is not possible to administer chemotherapeutics of the same type more than six times. This is one reason, why chemotherapies are changed frequently.

The blood sugar lowering hormone and cancer cells - the advantages of a low dose chemotherapy


This blood sugar lowering hormone (insulin) is produced in the pancreas and is responsible for the transport of nutrients from the blood into the cells.


The hormone attaches itself to cells, making them more receptive to the absorption of nutrients. One of the differences between normal and cancer cells is that cancer cells have by far more hormone receptors, this means that cancer cells are much more receptive to the insulin than normal cells. When the organism receives nutrients they mostly reach cancer cells, which attack the nutrients greedily, taking nutrients away from the organism leads patients to become weaker.

Advantages of an IPT – low dose chemotherapy – at a glance:

  • There are nearly no side effects by the use of smaller dose of chemotherapeutics.

  • Cytotoxin is dispersed to a lesser extent and predominantly reaches cancer cells which are the main target.

  • The blood sugar lowering hormone is a nutritional hormone, which mean, it restricts the breaking down of fat and builds up the organism, thus counteracting the body’s deterioration caused by cancer. Patients treated with the hormone regain their appetite and generally feel better.

  • Drastic damages of the organism which are often caused when administering cytostatic agents do not occur.

  • Cancer cells are “fooled” by the hormone, so that they uncritically “eat” anything that comes along. Cells develop resistance to cytotoxin much later than with traditional chemotherapy.

  • Potentiated Therapy (IPT) is not bound to chemotherapy. Other, less toxic substances can be used too, which derive from biological therapies. 



IPT uses the fact that cancer cells are more voracious than the hormone receptors. At the beginning of the treatment, the patient has an empty stomach, so that there are no nutrients in the blood. The blood sugar level is lowered by intravenous administration of the hormone which attaches itself primarily onto cancer cells. About half an hour later, the chemotherapeutics are administered which are greedily absorbed by the cancer cells. Finally glucose is given, which restores the blood sugar level. Using this effect, low dose chemotherapy is applied.

One session lasts between two and three hours. The advantage of this method is that chemotherapeutics, unlike traditional chemotherapy, are not distributed all over the body, but are, with the help of the Insulin, directed more precisely to the cancer cells. Because of this, the dose of chemotherapeutics administered can be considerably reduced and we can speak of low dose chemotherapy.

Accordingly there is less or no damage to the organism and also side effects are greatly reduced or do not occur.

A potentiation therapy can be combined with the following therapy options:

  • ​Infusion Therapies

  • Whole-body Hyperthermia

  • Local Hyperthermia​

Applications of IPT

​A potentiation therapy can be used in the following, but not exclusive illnesses: 


  • Cancer

  • Infections

  • Chronic diseases

  • Rheumatism

  • Immune system

  • Multiple Sklerose

  • Asthma

Due to its way of administration, an IPT has:

  • Literally no side effects to the organism compared with a classical chemotherapy.

  • Cell poison is less distributed and reaches mainly cancer cells.

  • The blood sugar lowering hormone is a nutrient hormone, increasing nutrient intake. Patients who receive the hormone, develop more appetite and feel more comfortable.

  • Drastic damage to our organism can be prevented

  • Because of the form of administration, cancer cells eat uncritically anything

  • An IPT is not bound to chemotherapy, it can also be administrated with non-toxic infusion products

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